teeth braces

Braces are usually on teenagers. But some adults do have them.

There is another alternative called "invisalign" that can do what braces can do (but not as severe as braces can fis). If your teeth aren't too far misaligned, invisalign is supposed to be less painful/severe than braces.

When I was 7 or 8, I had to get a front tooth pulled because the adult tooth started coming in behind it (like a shark with many rows of teeth). The dentist who pulled my "baby tooth" out so the new one could come in told me to keep pushing the new tooth coming in forward with the tip of my tongue. If I did it enough, I would not need braces. It ended up in the right place without having braces.

So if you use your toungue properly, it may save you some pain. - and I don't mean that in a dirty way. Gigity, gigity....