Dodge Colt

for those of u that weren`t around, there was a guy named don carlton, used to drive prostockers for chrysler back in the day,was a test driver for chrysler. hemi powered colt got loose and killed him. they are very squirly w/ big power-------------- --bob

This is not true ....The launch was perfect and then it seemed like his foot just slipped off the gas pedal as it just throttled down......investigation believed he just passed out from dehydration as it was over 90 degrees for 4 straight days in July when they were testing at the track all four days....Then from being unconscious the car swerved and dug in and rolled....anyway, I think mopar muscle or mopar action did an article on him...see if I can find it.....

"We had just come off about four or five days of intense testing in Milan, Michigan," Oldfield recalled. "It was Tuesday afternoon, July 5, 1977. We'd been running that Colt all day, and the temperature was well above 90-degrees-it had been for about four days in a row. It was a normal test run. Don launched the car and everything looked perfect until it sounded like his foot came off the pedal; the car just started coasting. Then it started to swerve and it dug in. The car rolled, and he sustained a serious head injury."
Carlton, who was only 36 years old, never regained consciousness following the crash. A thorough investigation of the car he was driving did not identify any mechanical problems that would have contributed to the crash. Crewmembers who were at the track that day believe he simply passed out from dehydration and the stifling heat. Following the investigation, the wrecked '76 Dodge Colt was buried in a landfill

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