Help me find my first

welli just ran across this thread,and it reminded me about how i still miss my first car, which was a 64 GTO. that being said, i bought a 69 valiant, and my son liked it, so i gave it to him, but with one condition, and that is that i get first chance to buy it back if he decides to sell it. that way he will always be able to have his first car back at some time in the future. now my son dosent drive yet, and my daughter has been dogging me to give the 69 to her, so seeing how i couldnt do that, i found a 68 valiant and gave it to her, with the same option to buy it back... i drive them both daily, and now that i think of it, i actually dont own a mopar.....but the 68 and 69 are still in my name, so position is 9/10ths of the