Pops isnt well...

still prayin for him and you .

Thanks Asa!

A little update, spoke to Dad today. Its been about a week since we spoke and I didnt want to bother/hound him, so I left it for him to call me.
1st biopsy, no good(not enough sample??) His doctor wasnt impressed. Sent dad for a 2nd one and again its lousy!! WTF is with doctors? Both the specialist and surgeon are located in Peterborough. COMMUNICATE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! So no usable results from 2 biopsy, a 3rd MAY be scheduled.

Dad is now going for dialysis, he went 4 times last week and has 3 in the upcoming week. They will test his kidneys effeciency after being on dialysis for a while.

His multiple myeloma doctor is located in Oshawa, so he is travelling in opposite directions to see different doc's. One symptom of multiple myeloma in its 2nd stage is kidney dysfunction. This is from what I have read on the net. I ask Dad lots of questions and I get "I dont know". For example asked if his myeloma doc knows about his kidney issues and if this is a direct result of his myeloma..."I dont know"
Dad have you asked about a kidney transplant? I can get by with one and a 45 year old diabetic kidney has gotta be better than a 69 year old one running at 15%. Dads answer " No, I dont know"
WTH, start investigating/asking questions!! My kidneys are only gonna get worse, so best to get your mitts on one now!
Frustrates the heck outta me, as I dont want our entire conversation to revolve around his health but if I was to go with him to the doctor I would feel better.

Anyway I didnt ask him about stemcell/bone marrow transplant for his multiple myeloma as I figgered he had probably had enough of my questions....

Thanks for listening/reading and the well wishes.