well this sucks

Angle grinders make light work of most locks.

As the owner of a self storage facility, here's some advice-

Get a lock with a short a bolt/shank as will fit.

Disc locks are much Better, as it's difficult to get the grinder disk on the shank.

Use more than one lock.

I don't know if I'd keep high dollar tools ina place I know is uninsured.

If you must- Keep your high dollar tools in a heavy box, and lock that box.

Anything that slows down a potential theif is worth doing.

My floor jack is wedeged under my work bench.
My compressor is bolted to the floor (ask before doing this, obviously), and I have a hex shank, nitride padlock, plus a disc lock on both latches.

The tools I leave in that unit are Kobalt from the discount table, and they are in the most beat up "quality" tool box I could find at the pawn shop. My theory is that if it looks nasty, maybe they won't even look in it.