Mopar Magic/ Cornwall Ontario, who's all going?

I just got back from Cornwall, a bit of a long drive, due to the long weekend traffic.
It was a really good show, although it was overcast, there was still a good turn out.
I didn't see many A bodies there, a very sweet '65(?) Barracuda in bright red paint, a '72 Petty Blue Twister Duster and a Dark blue '65 Valiant with a dual carb Slanty, are the A bodies that come to mind.
And I have to say, Jack Notman who puts on this show yearly is simply a great guy all around. He tried to great everyone personally as they came in, and also again at the end of the show, he has a passion for cars and it shows.
I loved the show, met a few people, a really great weekend!
I'm for sure planning on going back next year.