Celebrate July 4th for the right reasons

well it may have its short comings here and there but this country is a pretty good deal ....as an Immigrant ....LEGAL ONE, uncle Sam says its ok to be here ....I can say that this country is a real sweet deal.

when I was brought here as an early teen, I resisted and I didn't really want to come out of fear of the unknown but my real parents pushed me to come for a better life and to go to college here and my American adoptive family kept telling I would like it....they had to do some real convincing.

they were right, I love this country because I can be me, I definitely would not be allowed to work with cars the way I do where I came from.......its not considered something a good girl should be doing, even though I don't think im doing anything wrong, and I am not required to do anything I don't want to do here.

that's a pretty good deal

God Bless America