CudaChick you all right

Wow, sorry you had to go through all this Snake. I appreciate everyone popping in with all the possible reasons I might not be on FABO every second and for the past customers' real life input on my schedule and turn around efforts; sorry I wasn't able to respond personally.

Without sharing a whole bunch of stuff that no one cares to read, please rest assured that your valve covers are safely packed and on the way. As I mentioned to you in my last PM Snake, I had to wait until your paypal funds were transferred to my bank account because the Post Office won't take paypal. (It's 3-5 business days typically, but a whopping 8 days this time -- maybe something to do with Canada to US conversions or something, I don't have a clue why it took so long.) I wish I had a huge bank account to cover stuff like this myself, but I don't.

In the meantime, just to avoid further speculation ...

My mother is moving into Billy's parents' now empty house at any moment (and is in fact a few days late so I'm a bit worried) ... his mom waited until last SUNDAY to finally hire someone [actually 9 someones] to clean up their disgusting pig sty despite the fact it's been 8 months since she vacated it and moved in with us ... as time permits, Billy and I have been going through his dad's extensive collections of clothing, hunting items, car parts, tools, a stretch semi trailer that's been in my yard since we moved to Tennessee 7 years ago, a 2000 Kia Sportage EX, etc., etc., etc., cleaning it up, and trying to get it all ready to sell because his mom needs the money ... while his mom simultaneously tries to put everything back into the same box we just took it out of to tell some BS story about where he or she got it a hundred years ago (the same stories that were told 7 years ago when we packed it all to move here in the first place -- in fact, some of the boxes have MY writing on them and were never unpacked upon our arrival!) ... the stress and tension in our house are so thick you could cut it with a knife ... everybody is at each other's throats almost 24/7, arguments are almost endless, and there are no final decisions in sight on anything she needs to make a decision on ... and in the midst of all of that, I'm trying to get work done, get shipments out, run my shop, and deal with the feds because I had to file an internet harassment and stalking complaint against a FABO member who absolutely refuses to accept the well-publicized fact that I will no longer work for him. His last straw was a [totally unsuitable for work and young ears so don't click on this unless you can] [ame=""]voice mail message[/ame] on June 6, 2013 ... after being fired in mid-April 2012.

So there. Yes, I've been just a little bit busier than normal. And not really in the best mood either, so I've been keeping to myself and trying to catch up with some of this stuff. Thanks for understanding and for your continued patience if you have parts here. I can't stand drama queens and try not to be one, but you all know me as being honest almost to a fault and not one to offer excuses. Simply put, things are bad here and I'm doing the best I can at the moment.