Am I wrong?

No. Its not wrong at all. I love helping people but its my schedule and my rules. They can suck a lemon if they think I'm a donkey's rear for it. I have stopped helping a lot of people lately as its a two-way street and a lot of people see it as I am just doing something I love for free. No, I love helping people but not when its inconvenient for me or when they will never return a favor or ingratiate me whats so ever. A good example: I went to help a buddy out because he knows zip about cars and his car wouldnt start. So I bumped his starter and sent him on his way home and told him we'd fix it tomorrow since I was off anyhow and it isnt a big fuss to change the starter on a Honda Accord. Next day comes, fine and dandy fix his starter and he thanks me. Fast forward a week, I'm sick as a dog and all I want in the entire world is an alkaseltzer so I call him up and ask him if he could do me a huge favor and bring me some alkaseltzer and I'd pay him back tomorrow when I got paid. He only lives 2 miles away and the grocery store is between me and him so I figure no big deal. Nope. Wrong. He immediately flips and tells me that he cant do it as its way too inconvenient for him. I explain how miserable I am and that's all I want in the world and I'll pay him back tomorrow. "Throw me 10$ and I'll do it." I gave him an earful and hung up. One of my real good friends who lives 30 minutes away ended up driving all the way to my house to give me some alkaseltzer and play some Super Nintendo with me and I ended up feeling horrible for him doing it and tried to give him a 20 a few days later and he refused it