lets see those "later" Darts 73-76

well I agree with you. I like the style of the 67-69 Darts better. I had a 69 Dart Swinger when I just returned from Vietnam and I loved it. I then moved into a 70 Superbee and kept that for awhile and got married. I traded the Bee for the 73 Dart Sport and I liked it too. It was cherry. I even had a cop stop me one Sunday morning when I was going through the gears in a little town on my way to the store. He told me that if I showed him what was under the hood, he would let me go with a warning..They don't do that chit now days. But I would rather had the 69 Swinger. Its funny that both Mopars I have now means something because of the years they are. The 76 Duster is the same year my first son was born. The 73 Dart sport was the year I was supposed to graduate. I actually graduated in 72 though.