ebay madness. Cannot leave bad FB

That sucks, but it is understandable in many cases. I bought many items on eBay, but most sellers won't leave feedback for the buyer until the buyer has given the seller feedback. That is blackmail IMHO. I pay usually within the hour, so why would a seller not give good feedback just for that?

I got burned by one a$$hole who sold me a rebuilt Carter carb (fuzzy photos) but it was merely spray painted to look new (it was locked up tighter than tight). Before I posted negative feedback, I checked his recent FB from others and saw a distinct pattern of him posting negative feedbacks for any buyer who said his description didn't match the item shipped. I should have checked his FB before buying, of course! He refused to leave my FB until after I gave it to him. I ended up not posting FB so I could keep my perfect score.

eBays system sucks, but how could it be improved? There are too many jerks selling stuff out there to be able to police them all.