Robbed the Wrong House lol

So, the County Sheriff Detective I know from church was one of the one's evacuated during the Black Forest Fire. His house was the only one in his area that made it...other than the detached garage and shed.

Sometime last week or so he came home from work and there were two men on his property.

He non-chalantly walks up to them and said something like, "Hi guys how's it going? What are you guy's up to/doing?" They replied with, "It's none of your business, we live here."

Right after they said that, he pulls his gun from under his left arm (he was wearing a suit jacket and slacks) and orders them against the outside wall of the house and arrests them!!!! lol

They were stealing copper and aluminum, and obviously from the wrong house!!

Frickin awesome!! I'd of loved to be a fly on the wall watching that one go down, lol.
Knowing Todd, he prob had a smile on his face from the time he said, "Hi" to the time he arrested them.

Hope the scumbags get a long time in the block!!

Great story. Those scumbags deserved to get caught.

Reminds me of a story my dad told me about my great grandpa. He owned his own business and worked at another. He is walking around his business one day and finds a guy sleeping in a lab. He asks him what he is supposed to be doing and the guy said, "None of your business..."

Grandpa told the guy, "Pack your stuff up and get the hell out of here! Nobody tells me it's none of my business what they are doing in my building."

The union could not even get his job back for him.

It's a good idea to know who you are talking to before opening your mouth!