Westboro shitheads,Hells Angels and Cops

May the Westboro Baptist Church leader (Fred Phelps) and his followers rot in hell for eternity.

Oklahoma has taken action to stop this type of stuff from happening. Who knows if it will hold up in court if it is ever challenged....

New Oklahoma Law Restricts Funeral Protests
From NewsOn6.com 28 May 2013 -

New Oklahoma law restricts funeral protests. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed a bill into law Monday that adds restrictions to funeral protests.

Under Senate Bill 406, protests would not be allowed two hours before or after a funeral. Protests would also not be allowed to take place within 1,000 feet of a funeral. Under the previous law, protests were allowed to take place within 500 feet.

“Protesting a funeral for political purposes is an abhorrent and dis-gusting practice,” Fallin said. “While such distasteful protests have been ruled constitutionally protected and cannot be legally prohibited, this legislation will help protect grieving families from people who are looking to exploit their suffering.”

The bill was authored by Senator Josh Brecheen of Coalgate and Representative Dustin Roberts of Durant.