How to Megasquirt your 3G Hemi

If for just fuel control I'd jump on ms hands down and I still may. Xfi is plug and play which is hours of no screwing with wires and tuning every single aspect of the system. As in punch in a few things your engine has and it will run. Ms you have to do all the programing from cold start, to each percetage of fuel per adjustment box across all tps and load and speed windows of the system. Xfi will give you a close proximity and you adjust accordingly. No math to mess with for everything. Megasquirt has great tuning ability but it isn't as user friendly for the masses. If it was it would tech support similar to xfi and base tunes available to upload besides another forum member on matt cramer is a hell of a guy and I am in no way of dismissing ms as a viable efi as it is a great product. It is just not for those who can't do it themselves with zero efi knowledge and no time to learn its hours on end tuning perameters in order to make it function well.

It is still on my possibility list but with time not on my side for it. I am uncertain I can go with ms as easily as I could xfi or bs3.

Xfi ecm is 1800 add the harness from them at 400ish and you have efi. Then another 650 for the ignition side of it o go msd for ignition controls. All depends on who is using these things and their ability to over come nobody to help when a true issue arrives.

Or buy a test system to test it yourself when failure happens? That sounds fun no?