Bi-Focal Safety Glasses

AaaHaaa!! :D know you can see those single gray hairs growing Joe :D:toothy10:
I carry and wear (somethime) Bi-Focal glasses when I go out on the town to eat, now for about 3 years now, They are transition lenses so they come in handy on sunny days :glasses7: And a pair of reading glasses for that real fine print we all should read on pesticides to keep tic, fleas, chiggers at bay. My 2 wooded lots here on the hill is a safe place for my grandchildren and my 2 four legged friends :coffee2: Getting older are yea Joe :D Hay! You still have your hair on top that is for sure, I have seen your mop :toothy10: and I don't think it's going anywhere soon.. I should check out a set of safety glasses for myself.