why are automatics so messy

i was working on a late model (2006) ford AX4N and i had a thought .......

you know a drain plug is probably a thousand year old idea........here is a bright idea ......WHY dont car makers put drain plugs on auto trans pans?

yea that would be an awesome idea ....yet i know some do ....but why dont they ALL have drain plugs.

that makes life hard working with autos.

this Brilliant ford trans just pissed itself the whole way .....WHAT A FREAKING MESS......(excuse my potty mouth) but really ...would a drain plug be such a novel idea.

when i pulled this trans too the trans cooling lines used every opeertunity possible to get ATF all over me ....i am going to smell like ATF for a week after this mess.

in the 50 years or so that autos have been popular dont you think they can be a little neater.

makes my 4 speed look good ....with a nice drain plug on the bottom ...or you just remove the driveshaft and put a slip yoke in and never have to drain it......dang for being so simple manual transmissions have it right :D