Holy Crap!!! Where Did You Come From?

Wow! They must've been workin' hard on the night shift!

A while back, I found a yellow jacket hole in the ground out in my backyard, and boy!.......those suckers are aggressive and vengeful if they think you're coming near or messing with them! It got to the point that no one wanted to even go out in the backyard. One of them chased me from the backyard, around the house, and all the way to the front. Another stung my dog's lip. At first, me and my sons had some fun doing the "Wile E. Coyote" long PVC pipe to their hole and dropping a lit firecracker into it. LOL Man, that got 'em riled up. Then we tried killing them by stuffing a lit rag into their hole (we actually had to run up to do it really quick) Still didn't quite do the trick. Then I ended up just walking out there @ midnight and giving a good spray with the Black Flag. Next night, did it again. They were done.