/6 head

They still use steel head gaskets on newer engines. Granted they are multi layered steel(MLS), but they are not composite. The Chrysler 2.2/2.5 and 2.0/2.4 had many head gasket leak issues with composite gaskets and that was regardless of sealing surface condition. In 1999/2000 chrysler came out with the MLS head gasket for the 2.0/2.4 and when installing them on an engine that came with a composite from the factory you don't have to machine either block or head just make sure they are flat and clean.

I haven't seen any recent production engines that used a composite head gasket everyone seems to use MLS. I would use steel if you can find one.

The MLS gasket for the 2.0 L had some growing pains with it. They found out that they had to tighten the head and block surface finish and flatness specs to be able to use it.

So if you had an old block/head, it may not work with the MLS gasket if it was at the edge of the original machining specs. For service, they just threw the MLS gasket on it and hoped that it sealed - no guarantees.