Pops isnt well...

Just found this thread and my thoughts are with you and yours buddy . Keep your stick on the ice I was/am hoping for Pops to make an appearance at the Fest again this year so hopefully he'll stop being stubborn and get this sorted now , I have a few older buddies who pull the same thing from time to time when the doc says straighten up and do this or that they come back from the visit and play dumb until we badger them into spilling the beans then we ride heard on em for a while till the new thing becomes the regular thing for them eh !

Thanks Chris, Dad definitely had a blast last year and I was hoping we were going to make it this year!

Well I spoke to Dad earlier this week and he definitely sounds and feels better. Energy level is up, appetite is up. Still going 3 times a week for dialysis and he says he can "feel" a difference. So that is goond news!!

The bad, is that his Multiple Myeloma has "ramped up". He was to his Cancer specialist last week and they have him going to the
Cancer clinic in Oshawa. Dad is very comfortable with him. Dad and Jo-anne(his gf) have some learning/research to do on eating habits etc. They took a couple of stem-cell samples so they could analyze treatment for him. There is no cure, so the best we could hope for is treatment and quality of life. Dad started on a bunch of new pills which includes Chemo. He will be going once a week to the clinic at the start to see how everything is "going". He said the Chemo didnt affect him, but he had just had it that day and I think its going to knock the $hit outta him.

Thanks all for the prayers/well wishes, it helps and means a lot!

Steve n Pops