Bracket Racers....dial in science
I use Crew Chief Pro as a log book and ET predictor, I think it works great when the car is tuned to follow the weather. Consistency and knowing your car are the biggest tricks in my opinion. Part of knowing your car is to know when to dial honest or hold a few in the bag.
I am more likely to dial honest during the hot summer months and bag a few during the spring and fall. It makes finish line driving a lot easier when you know your going under and your opponent drives around you before the first cone (LET HIM HAVE IT) as long as the lights are close you will break out by less than him. I got runner up at a gamblers race at bracket finals last year doing this exact thing. My motor was hurt and very inconsistent i just dialed a number that i knew the car could run and watched everybody drive right by. Defiantly the most fun I've had with a broken car.