Lightning Storm I Just Recorded!! Amazing!


Just recorded this right above my house!

Taken about 15 minutes ago!!

Yet another site you don't get living in the city! :D

There's sections of the video that don't have any picture, just a black screen, but that's not my finger over the lens, I swear! Lol... It's just periods of time where there was no lightning... 4:23 minute video of pure lightning show!

The color's my camera could produce makes it even better!

The color's in the lightning in the video range from just white, to blue, to the occasional pink... None of which I saw just looking out and seeing it with the Naked Eye.

Completely Amazing what one can see in the Country!! Fantastic!

Muted out the volume so y'all don't have to hear me yelling, "oh ****" over and over again...

Great sight, I must say!! :D

Enjoy, everyone!!
