EBAY rant

Sorry, nope, wrong, in----correcto

Ebay makes their money after the seller has sold something...................

AND COLLECTED from the buyer, "me." If you piss me off enough, and I'm pretty damn pissed, I won't be a'lookin' there much anymore, and I don't

"Me" in this case is of course a figurative descriptor of all the people who are tired of the BS

RIGHT! My Hemi didn't sell. Cost me almost 50 bucks. Then, they want me to relist it talkin about I can do it for free. Hell if it didn't sell, why should they get any money? I'm not selling on ebay anymore. Almost to the point of not buying either. I would rather my money Stay in the Georgia tax base and do business with Summit. Ebay sucks gangreen infested balls.