Anybody following the Toyota unintended acceleration lawsuits?

I find these suits very interesting on a technical basis.

I think Toyota/Lexus settled, or is in the process of settling, all the suits where the wrong size floor mat was installed and may have prevented the accelerator pedal from returning to the idle position. I think the only suits that are going to trial are ones where the floor mat could not have played a role. I believe the first state court case is going to trial this week.

Apparently Toyota's defense is that something about the design of its electronic throttle position system makes it impossible for unintended acceleration to occur. (Note: these are cars that did not contain an interlock that returns the engine to idle when the gas and brake pedals are depressed at the same time. Although some of its cars sold in Europe had such an interlock, the cars involved in the U.S. suits did not, so discussion of interlock-equipped cars is not relevant.)

Would anybody know the details of Toyota's defense claims, or am I just going to have to await the trial evidence to find out?