Anybody following the Toyota unintended acceleration lawsuits?

I think you're living in a dream world, here. There is a long sordid track record of big corps NOT disclosing pertinent info....

I know enough about electronic devices to know that "stuff happens." MAYbe Toyota DID design these with absolute "fail safe" all I'm SAYING is that it very well could be "NOT."

I have a couple of problems with your argument. First, I never said that Toyota wasn't liable, as you seem to imply. They could well be liable, but that finding will have to await the evidence and the results of trial.

Second, the very idea that Toyota could avoid disclosing anything to the Plaintiffs' attorneys about its throttle control system is ludicrous. If they did that by refusing to provide discovery, the judge would enter a judgment against them without trial. Furthermore, presumably the Plaintiffs' attorneys and their experts are too smart to be fooled by anything Toyota might try to omit.

Third, your argument that "stuff happens" seems tantamount to saying that "the way it works is magic that is beyond human understanding". Of course that is nothing but an intellectual crutch that serves as an excuse for not learning how the system works.

Last, I fail to understand how the technical and intellectual backwater that is amateur radio can possibly help us understand any aspect of this issue.