Any Whovians out there?

I'm a big Phillip K. Dick fan (Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, etc). I can also appreciate "Fantasy" stuff like the Hobbit, etc.

Funny you say that about Philip K. Dick. In the last few days I've read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" (which was made into Blade Runner, for those who don't know), "The Man in the High Castle" and "The Minority Report". I'm hoping to find "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale" (made into Total Recall) soon. In the meantime, I do have Valis and Ubik to keep me company.

I have always been big in reading scifi/fantasy. 66Dvert mentioned Anne McCaffrey and her Dragonriders of Pern. I really need to get back into those. Piers Anthony is good, but I never read his Split Infinity series. For some reason, I really got into his Incarnations of Immortality. Mostly. Mr. Anthony can be a little wordy at times.