Any tips for first car show with the Duster?

Hey guys, going to be entering in my first car show with the Duster tomorrow (its finally done lol).

This isn't a super critical car show, just a local show. No cars that are barret jackson quality or anything.

I know of the normal things I should do (make sure its shined up good,chrome clean,glass clean,interior clean,tires and wheels clean,engine bay clean (cant do anything about my ugly headers lol).

Just looking for any info and tips that may help aid in a win of some sort.

Is a for sale sign frowned upon or does it normally not effect the scoring?.

This car show is pretty stale.....normally the same cars have been going for a long stuff every once and awhile.

mostly dominated by chevy and ford but there is normally 10-15 mopars...mostly B and E body mopars....maybe 2 or 3 a bodies at most from what i have seen.

I am not sure on what all classes there are to place in beyond 50's,60's,70's and 80's best in classes.

The duster was in mopar muscle magazine (link below) back in december 2010 when I first started the resto. I was thinking of setting the magazine (article open) in the car somewhere so people can see it maybe).

The car is already cleaned up pretty well, so my plan is to go over a few things tomorrow and make sure its all good to go. drive it there, detail wipe it down, re wet the tires and it should be good to go.

Any particular area I should try to park in front of? (its a down town car show. lots of old brick buildings and store fronts) (not sure if judges tend to give lower score due to lack of nice background scenery)

Sorry for the long post. any tips would be appreciated thanks. And here are some current pictures of the Duster....what do you guys think? worth of a win? ( i know...winning isnt everything...but if the chance of winning is good...that would be icing on the cake lol.)