Cinnamon 75 Duster \
Started some parts re-work. I got a set of LCAs with tabs for the sway bar, but the shafts on them are bugered up a bit. So, dismantled both sets. Figured while on a roll I'd get the old bushing sleeves out of the extra set too. I read that the shafts usually come out fairly easy, but that did not happen. I found that turning them with a pipe wrench to break them loose and heating till rubber just started to burn then beating out with a hammer did the trick. As for the weld on washer meathod, that worked great. I did rip the first one off, because I used too small of a punch. By using a shaft that just made it through the back it took them out fairly easy without distorting the washer much and spread the load around the whole welded edge. Also I don't know how much difference it makes, but I knocked them out right after I welded them to take advantage of them being heated up.