Over 10% ethanol will destroy your car. EPA pushing it....

Lot of hoopla over nothing.

Out in california we have 10% now, another 5% is not going to instantly ruin your car. Worst case scenario, it'll make a minute difference in how quickly your lines rot out.

The car companies are just fighting because then they'll have to spend more money and use better fuel lines. And car companies are all about putting out the cheapest crap they can get away with.

everywhere has 10%. and yes, another 5% is gonna wreak havoc on our stuff... do you remember when it went from 5 to 10%? i remember losing MPG, having to re-tune, fuel system issues WITH EFI lines.

alot of guys swear by boost juice and alot swear by the damage it does for the same reason, it dosn't play well with some internal parts.

ive been trying to figure out how to stain or filter it out of the fuel before it goes into the tank.