Over 10% ethanol will destroy your car. EPA pushing it....

The subsidies ended awhile ago and prices for E85 didn't "rocket up" like people claimed during that debacle.

Plenty of cars can be augmented to accommodate ethanol without too much trouble. And that small amount won't make a big difference. Go look at people building E85 turbo cars. A lot of camaros/vettes using stock fuel tanks with line that can handle ethanol and a good tune. Not a big deal.

With our options, ethanol will be the future. Once algae fuel is sorted, it will easily become the new standard. Why fight it?

alot of EFI parts are already designed to be impervious to most anything for safety and longevity reasons, they cant have injector o-rings or fuel lines splitting.

but were not talking new gen cars, were talking about our 40/50/60/Etc year old cars that were designed to run on 100 octane lead, not 87 octane diluted with alky...

my 68 dosn't have a purge system, so as that tank expands and contracts due to temp change its sucking in 40-75% humidity air AND WATER. that water binds with the alky and creates acid. when you run your can and then shut it off, any fuel that made it into the crank case is now bonding with the water in the air. now you have ACID in your crank case. its bad enough to have bearing pitting from old oil.

so you would rather pay more at the pump, for a product that is bad for your vehicle, and worse on the environment? that makes no sense to me...