Ok Dammit

For those of you who don't know it, we have monsoon rains here in AZ.
Down in Phoenix they usually get huge dust storms from the pre monsoon winds, and then it may or may not actually rain.
During this time of the year it gets pretty humid and storms build up almost every day, but they are not storms like most states get where it rains for a couple of days or more straight through.
Where I live in AZ is about 90 miles north of Phoenix at about 5.500 feet elevation and the storms up here are quite a bit different.
Lets say in an area where you can see for 20 miles or more there can be 4-5 separate storms, each with it's own lightning and rain, but it's sunny in between them.
There is a standing joke that goes "My neighbor got rain, but we didn't"

One of my favorite things about where I live is the definition of the sky and the cloud formations, because we are up pretty close to them and they typically don't lay down a huge cover over a large area.
They tend to be really defined and be in groups.

Here are some pics of this time of the year, and the last two are of what the pre monsoon winds cause in Phoenix during monsoon season.

That's how it is here in sw Colorado