Free.......frickin loaders!!

This guy here gave me some free tools and even paid shipping! Someday I would like to get him a gold membership cause with how much I have used them tools he should sit on a gold pedastal IMO.

JDMopar gave me a free 7-1/4 when mine blew up last year. I feel the same way about him, he's a saint in my eyes.

Also worth mention is the members who ponied up gas money for me to get to JD, way more then I needed. And when I offered to return the extra they all said keep it and have a happy birthday.

It's one thing to take free stuff but another to take advantage. I'll never forget where I came from or to be greatful to all those who have helped.

X1000 I've got my fair share of help from fellow fabo family members myself! Can't thank those members enough either! :prayer: They were gracious enough to help pay my daughters medical bills when I couldn't. This site is a blessing in disguise and as mentioned, highly taken advantage of.

As far as asking for cheap prices. I can kind of understand that. Some of us members are pretty strapped and sometimes our driver breaks. It's hard to get to work without a rig to get you there. It's a whole new ball game to when it's a broken "toy/project". I've had to ask for a cheaper than usual price myself and apologize if that is offensive to some of you. I consider myself prideful and can't stand asking for "help" beyond advice or pointers in the right direction.