Mountain Motorcycle Trip on Highest Paved Road in US

Looks like a great ride, Joe. Gotta say it was a little freaky at the beginning when the rider turned his head as he was driving - kinda looked like he was heading "off road".
Anxious to see your video when you get back.

That threw me off too, I'm used to watching bike mounted camera vids, lol.

0 My Humbled is the man on the hill this morning after watching that
It brought back some very old memories of mom, grandma and my little brothers traveling to fallow the crops to help feed the world.... Inspiring video to make me take the time and smell the roses this time in my life
You be careful where the cool wind blows Joe, This coming strongend will be all your's, no beeper/on call Just you and your Kaw and the road under your feet.

Thank you, that sure set my morning to move forward into the day

I hope this thread grow's as you take the trip up the mountain where the beaver belts are plenty and the elk can be taken with a 30 cal black powder rifle , preferably a Hawken's.
Pictures and possible video of your trip will fallow I hope.

Boy I sure hope the weather is better this coming Saturday than it was today. Company sent me out to Edwards, CO and it was snowing above tree line and about 50 F around Dillon. Glad you liked the vid Mike, I thought you might... :mrgreen:

In 82 I rode my Yamaha 750 Seca from Dallas to CO...rode up Pikes Peak and did the Estes Park/Rocky Mountain Park road. Every other day it would rain. We go up to the Rocky Mountain National Park and it started raining, gravel on the black top from construction...said to myself it can't get worse than this..then it started to Hail. Yes Lord you are right it could get worse. :) We got us a room in Estes that night.

Super unpredictable weather up there and you can easily experience 4 seasons in 50 miles. It's a really short window as to when this road is open too.

I just told a fib in a thread saying Treva won the small power ball and I was at your house with a new motorcycle and going to make this trip with you, I better go fix that fib :D

Lol, too bad it wasn't true Mike!

I love rides like that.
Well except for the all the bike's power going away from the lack of oxygen. :-)

This will suck, especially on a carbuerated bike, but I need to know how it'll act at 12,000' +. Highest I've had it is the high side of 9000'. I think it was around 9700'. It wasn't particulary happy (rich at idle), but ran OK.

Would love to be riding behind you on my HD .......took a trip out west last week from Indiana to California ( in the truck ) all I could think was,,,I wish I was on my bike ........ Badlands SD.... Bryce Canyon ...... Especially going through Zion National Park ,,,,,,,WOW

Incredible stuff, isn't it John? Here's a vid of them clearing some snow on June 3, 2011. [ame=""]Trail Ridge Road snow removal 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Trail Ridge Road Opening 2011 - YouTube[/ame]