Free.......frickin loaders!!

Wow! I just read all of the replies and Im impressed with the responses! Communication is good right?? Get it out and off your chest...grab a left-handed cigarette if need be and let it awwwllll out!! LOL

1st let me say thank you to the members who have helped me in so many ways as well as other members! Due to a serious lack of $$ my one and only project has been on hold for quite some time now. That doesnt stop me from coming on here looking for stuff and selling some stuff, or maybe even stirring or smoking the pot! LOL

2nd sorry to hear of some people getting screwed on here, and the clowns ruining it for the rest of us. Im a cup 1/2 full type of guy, but I can be cynical and this is FABO-town population 27K and counting...there is bound to be dickheads/assclowns etc. But remember Karma will come back around.

This is the internet and people can and will be very deceptive. "Tqfastfish" this thread wasnt directed at you in anyway, but opening up the communication is good. Yes you list all those cars and then start a "free parts wanted" thread...thats gonna make people wonder??
The member Im eluding to hasnt chimed in here(not surprised) and I have pm'd other members that he/she is a pain in the arse to deal with....all my pms get returned usually a week later and say YEP..."hammered the seller down on price, then squawks about price of shipping"
OR replies to a "free thread" and wants it all, then squawks about shipping prices?? HOW THE HELL DO YOU ***** ABOUT PAYING SHIPPING ON FREE STUFF?? It was all small stuff too. And why do you need it all you greedy prick??
Its like going to the dentist or doctors office and they have the bowl of suckers and you see the fat little bastard dumping the whole bowl into his pocket...and only leaves you the GREEN ones! Whats that saying "like a fat kid on a smartie??"

Gonna try to stay cup 1/2 full but will be wary. Also where I see this member replying to ads, I will be warning the OP to be careful. Some people just aint worth replying to at all.