Kickdown cable recommendations?

I ran a Lokar setup with my 904 and then again when I got my 2004r. I was just looking for the "easy" option, but to be honest I wasn't overly impressed with either for the price. I'm not fond at all with the plastic piece they use to attach the cable to the carb linkage. So cheap for a $70 kit, imo.

It says it's for a 727, and Lokar has different part numbers for each trans, but I don't know what the differences could be. I do know that I took the Lokar cable from my 904 and installed it on my buddies 727 without any issues though. Knowing what I know now I would have no problems giving the ebay kit a shot.

So Lokar is using a plastic adapter to hook the cable to the carb now? Mine is aluminum, but I bought it 3-4 yrs. ago, maybe they've changed? Even yet plastic (or variations of such) are used in all sorts of industrial applications nowadays. "Regular" plastic like we had in the early days that was cheap and brittle or spongy is pretty much a thing of the past. Have you seen any of these Lokar plastic levers break?

That's strange there's different part #'s for a 904 and 727. They use the same valve body. There's a few different length levers on different applications so maybe that has something to do with it??

I highly recommend not buying anything from "Abad71camaro" on e-bay. In spite of anything they say they sell very cheap off shore garbage and if you have an issue they won't answer you. One of their recent negative feedbacks is from me. If they would have just answered my response to the junk part they sold me and tried to make it good they might not have received a negative but my e-mails fell on deaf ears. Just click on their negative feedbacks and read some of the replies and you'll see what I mean.