904 pan leak...need back up !! lol

so my 904 was leaking from pan. no biggy right? got a new oem rubber gasket...didnt over tighten, cleaned up tranny and pan with razor blade,,brake clean ect....tightened it all up and bam,,,still leaked... so i said wth ill try a cork gasket....bam same dam thing it leaked! so i took pan off on a flat surface, i then used a socket and adapter and tapped around each pan hole to ensure they were flat....so then i put another new rubber gasket on , tightened all up and bam leaked a freakin gin! so at this point im over and decided to get intouch with my redneck side...i used high temp rtv red.. 1/4 bead, finger tight, let set for 4 hrs. then 1/2 turn and let sit for 2 days.....added fluid and kiss my *** it leaked again so im about to pull tranny and throw it in the woods ...so if anyone has any ideas or suggestions id appreciate them lol....thanks!