could this be causing an issue?

Inside the gauge there is a tiny nichrome wire wound around a bimetal strip. The wire heats, the bimetal bows, the needle moves. sounds simple enough right ? It is.
We know it worked fine for a long time.
A closer look at that nichrome wire would reveal a extremely thin insulation. It is a spiral wound blend of silk and fiberglass. When the insulation burns away not only does the gauge short/die but the insulation ( like anything else that burns to ash ) should be found in the bottom of the gauge and look like black pepper.
That's not always what we find though. I've seen many of the nichrome windings intact except that the insulation has grown several times its original size. How ? Why ?
Nastiness from the air, especially tar from cigarette smoke, accumulates on the winding. Its drawn there by the heat. It restricts the movement of the bimetal just like a ace bandage would restrict the movement of your arm.
I'll bet my quarter this is what you will find inside your gauge. Sad part is it cant be cleaned. Just touch the stuff and it breaks off, equals dead gauge. Many times just polishing the bimetal and replacing the winding is all that's needed. Other times the bimetal must be replaced also.