ipod help

iPod touch are worth every penny in my opinion...

I had to upgrade recently to a 16BG 'cause i had more apps and music I wanted to download and the 8GB wouldn't.

I love it, never had any issues, still have it.

It holds a hell of a lot of music, and it gives you the option to "buy" games, or download free ones and if you decide you don't want the game anymore, and delete it, and you want it again, you don't have to pay for it all over again. It will let you restore it back. Unfortunately I don't think music has the same option.

The newer ones are more memory, some with color. Don't have issues with the home button on mine. I guess it depends on how well it's been taken care of.

My 8GB is 4 years old, and still works completely. The only reason I had to buy a new one is like I said, ran out of memory (4 years later).

The lifespan always depends on how you take care of it: not dropping it, not getting liquids on it, etc.

Hope this helps!!