External oiling question

Just so I have this straight in my mind. The company that sells the thing is who says you need it. I've never seen or read anywhere else that the stock oiling systems were somehow deficient. Nowhere. In fact, all I have ever read is how good they are and that's other places besides Milodon that don't have any stake in sellin me something.

It just seems like to me if you're basing your decision on that alone, you might as well be a crackhead. Cause every crack dealer in the world will say you need that, too.

Somehow, I think the 1/2 pickup would be enough to support 1000 HP and 8000 RPM.....and since I've actually seen it, I know it will work. I mean sure, you can grind here and there to make the suction side less restrictive. But honestly, has anybody ever done before and after pressure and suction tests to see the difference? I can see there would be a difference going from the 3/8 to the 1/2 pickup. A blind man could see that difference.

I somehow just don't think that the average street or even race engine has a need for it. I mean......if Jim Laroy can pull 700 plus HP using a stock pan and 3/8 pickup, what makes people making less think they need this?

Hears what milodon says.
Big Block Mopars need more oil pressure and a larger amount of oil than most other engines, that's just a fact !
Higher RPM or bigger cubic inches increase the demand on an already marginal stock system. Get the right stuff the first time and life will be good.
External oil systems allow the bypassing of irregular and restrictive stock internal oil passages. These systems allow the placement of the pick-up in optimum position, plus the use of free flowing braided line. Milodon Oiling Systems provide the optimum in oiling for all types of applications and competition.And yes there is a big difference between the internal and external systems.