Stall decision...I have 2 choices

A converter is probably the single most important large purchase for your car. You shouldn't limit yourself to just two simply because you have them.

I wish I didnt have to, but being unemployed with 6 kids makes it hard to come up with much cash. I am using parts that I already had laying around, except the cam, timing set, etc. I even redrilled the heads myself so I didnt have to buy an intake lol. I cant think of anything I have that I could sell to get enough money for a good converter lol. Besides, this has turned into a bit of a father-son project with my 12 year old, and I would love to get it together so we can have a little fun in it before fall.

Plus, thats the fun with cars. If it doesnt work so well, he will learn from it too! Im sure that whatever I use, it will put a smile on the kids faces (and mine! lol)