Where Do People Get Their Nerve

I remember plenty of time when show goers would take exception to something I've done with my car. Of course they were far out numbered by people who admired my cars, and freely stated that, also.
I always made it a policy to never argue with any of those who took exception to something I've done, whehter it was the fact that the car was a MoPar, or they didn't like the color, or the wheels, or whatever. It was nothing to be concerned about. I usually just shrugged it off.
I never challenged them with things like, Where's your car", or "I built it my why, not yous", or any such nonsense, because that would just prolong the conversation or argument.
When these people appear at your location, say as little as possible to them usually gets them to move along quicker.
...Oh, and NEVER lose your temper with them, ever. That goes for your buddies, too. That's usually exactly what they want.

On the other side of the coin, when I go to car shows, I also like to talk with the owners. Ask questions, and even ask how or why they did something that way. That's not to be a critic, it's just that I'm interested in what they've done and how and why they did it. It's an interrogatory not a derogatory.

next time, just smile at them, and tell them why you did what they did. Most of the "critic" types are merely dreamers, anyway, or they "know someone who.." Don't let them get under your skin, either explain your logic or simply smile and nod at them, either way the conversation will be shorter and much more pleasant.

Over 40 years of entering cars in shows, and I can count on one hand the number of times I had arguments with show goers.
...and don't let your friends start them for you either. You're supposed to be enjoying yourself, remember?