Do you beleave in Aliens ?

Do I believe? . I know they exist and I don't want to recall

You aren't the first I've encountered with similar response.

I know someone who is as sure as the sun sets and rises that they exist. I'm not sure I should be posting who the quote was from on a server, so I'm not going to, but his witness alone was reason enough for me to be confident, regardless of statistics.

The basics are that most everything in existance is either made round by nature, or made up of round particles.
The atom is a perfect example. (and all matter in existance is made up of different combinations of them)
Also intersetingly enough is that atoms greatly resemble minature solar systems.

One of my friends said he discovered a new planet one day, and I asked him if it was round.
He answered "Why wouldn't it be?" and I asked "Why would it have to be?"
and also asked him why all planets we have seen have ALL been round?

I noticed as I was growing up that most everything was, or was made up from round objects.
Atoms, planets, solar systems, suns, stars everything.
Therefor I decided that there must be something more to the round nature of things.
Atoms are round and have an end, (Not infinite)
Planets are round (again defined in size and not infinite)
So is the way with everything around us.(made up of round objects and not infinite.

OK ready for this one?

With all this round stuff and a definite end, or edge to it why would we not assume that it is true that space as we know it is probably round and has an edge or end? (Not infinite) as they currently say.

Also it would follow that there is probably more than one space.
Our space, the one next to it, and on and on until the edge of that group of round things.

This why I do not believe in the word infinity.
Everything has ALWAYS had an end, or edge after we learned of it.

I like where your head is at.

I had the same theory, but I had a thought that smashed it to pieces and it makes more sense to me;

Humans are subject to patterns. Children to adults, we live for patterns of all kinds, because we have been subject to them and adapted to them.

The idea that everything has a beginning and an end assumes entirely too much, subjective to patterns that we are biologically adapted to.

Because everything in the universe expands, and the theory that it's vast size is infinite, that would mean it would make more sense that the universe never had a beginning. It was always there.

I know that's a difficult idea to wrap minds around, but that's not saying much, because our minds are molded to a beginning and an end.

I believe that the universe always existed. The big bang theory is very misunderstood. It is not the beginning of the universe. It's the beginning of galaxies and solar systems within the known universe.

Ok then whats the space that the round spaces in called and what is it ?

Google Higgs Boson.

The particle collider, under Sweden, accelerates particles at each other to create dark matter, which is what exists between molecules of hydrogen, which is the most dominant molecule in the universe.

I'll tell you one thing though.
The proof of other beings sure would toss the people that believe in God as the one and only into a tizzy.

So here we are again.
God made man in his own image, so then which God made the alien races?
The one that there is only one of?

I believe that the life outside of this world will be widely known as it becomes more accepted that religious belief systems surrounding the idea that we are the only one, are regarded as false info. Until that day comes, higher power will do what it can to keep itself there and keep people stupid to the info.

Just count every grain of sand on every beach, and whatever number you come up with, it will be fewer than the number of stars in the known universe.

And that's all we can see... It's pretty awesome.

The most fascinating picture I've ever seen from the Hubble was this one-

click the name in the panel to see the image, flickr sucks.

[ame=""]Gravitational Lensing in Galaxy Cluster Abell 37 | Flickr - Photo Sharing![/ame]

Galaxy clusters are mind boggling. The idea that galaxies, similar to the one we live in, our solar system existing in the Milky Way and the nearest being Andromeda (M83), will become one in approximately 2 billion years is wild.

There is a really amazing lecture that I wasn't able to finish, on Netflix, regarding astrobiology (the topic we are all talking about here)

It surrounds the ideas behind the oldest known civilization (the mesopotamians) having knowledge of not only a round earth, but our solar system, which is a huge discovery. The lecture from professors around the United States who have studies in the subject matter, have come to information that supports a planet that passed by Earth in a longer elipse, than what the planets in our solar system orbit our sun, which could have had intelligent life on it, that gave that information to humans.

It also explains how it created the floods that all cultures have documented.

It was interesting, because I know that they are tossing around Pluto as a dwarf planet, but not as significant as the others, this proposed idea explains the planet as further out, now, than Pluto, which takes around 260 years, in no way making a full orbit since we discovered it.

If you are really interested in the lecture or other info in detail that I've posted, feel free to PM me.