Guys at the shows and cruises are really rude

YES, I was at a cruise-in and was sitting with my wife and over comes this filty dirty guy and starts talking to me.. First place he stunk, And was just full of bullsh-t. But Im a friendly guy. So I'm talking to him. He started leaning on my car with his dirty crappy clothes, I said to him I've got a ton of money in that car and ton of time. Do you think he got the hint, NOPE moved to another spot to lean on. My wife being alot bolder got up and looked to see if there were scratches where he was first leaning then he got the hint. I said I've gotta go talk to this guy over hear. I'll see you later ,my wife was livid and I will never let someone lean or touch my car again or I will have to answer to the big boss...There were no scratches but the disrespect just pissed me off and her even more..Lol. As far as calling someone car a piece of sh-t most of the time they are just jealous and wish they had something half as nice ..Bill