Guys at the shows and cruises are really rude

I actually just got back from walmart and was talking about how loud mouthed , rude , ignorant , and inconsiderate people are. Going places like that remind me just how much I hate people lol.

I was brought up to say please, thank you , excuse me etc...etc... and to this day I still use my manors.

Like inkjunkie mentioned.....I get dirty looks from some of the more conservative folks due to have a bunch of tattoos and what not. But If I see someone with a shopping cart or a child in arm at the door of the supermarket I go out of my way to run up and hold the door open for them, if someone is 15 feet or so behind me and I walk in a door I will hold the door open for them until they get a chance to walk through aswell. If I am in line with a cart full of stuff and someone behind me only has a few items I will let them cut ahead of me (sure it back fires sometimes.....persons credit card gets denied and im stuck waiting behind them lol, or the person you hold the door open for holds their nose in the air and breezes right through like it was my job to hold the door for them). But that's just the way I was raised and I try to be polite when and where I can. And teach my kids to do the same.

as for the car shows ....I took the Duster to its first show in July, parked it and not even minutes after getting out of the car so kid runs of and runs her dirty little fingers down the side of the car and I said " HEY , HANDS OFF PLEASE". the dad apologized and off they went, then had a guy come up wanting to argue with me about what came factory on my car when I know for a fact I was right and he was wrong...finally after listening to him babble on for 5 minutes I said "you know what pal, your wrong. where is your car at"....he told me, so I went and looked and his road runner was ragged out and he had no room to criticize anyone!. Then later on My self, my wife and my son were sitting down behind my Duster and 2 kids ran up to the Duster and yelled to their mom to take a picture of them (who might I add looked like a "real winner" lol) and shes taking pictures of them....then they start leaning on the Duster and throwing their arms and hands up on the doors and fenders and the mom is still just taking pictures of them ...not telling them to keep off of it. By this time I was getting ready to speak up....and finally my wife hopped up out of her chair and walked over and put the two kids and the mother in check and they all turned and gave her the dirtiest look and walked away lol.

its sad to see that most people act the way they do anymore.....but thats just the way things are...not much that can be done about it....and its the fault of the parents....the kids don't know any better because the parents just dont step up and teach them right from wrong.