Guys at the shows and cruises are really rude

I enjoy going to car shows and cruise ins, this is relaxating and my hobby, I eat, sleep, live to enjoy classic cars, hang around with my car friends and talk to people. I taught my children from their first car cruise in to look and not to touch [I have been building/showing cars since they were born]. I never put down any ones car no matter how ratty it is [what did you have when you were young] my first car was a ragged out Roadrunner but I loved that car and I was very proud of it. My current car is not a show piece, matter of fact I jokingly say i'm a turd in a punch bowl when I go to shows. I respect whatever somebody owns [not everyone car do an expensive restoration] I know i'm one of them, most of the folks I meet at shows [car owners] are nice people others are *** hats which I don't have time for. Life is too short to worry about these jerks pay them no attention and they'll go away. I also have the manners my parents taught me, i'm in the 50s club too!!!!!!