Guys at the shows and cruises are really rude

Opinions are like buttholes- everyone has one and a lot of them stink! Don't let them bother you. Enjoy your car and let the buttholes be happy in their own little world.


My wife likes to say this.... Some opinions or people are like A$$hole$ - everyone has one but some are just bigger then others...

My car has alot of paint / body flaws which is on the too due list but at carshows and cruises you sure can here the comments... Most enthusiasts are like great car / work in progress... will be awesome when complete... Then the rude ones point and speak there minds loudly lol...

Personally I know my end goal and it doesn't bother me since those rudes ones are just passing by anyways...

Ignore them all but the ones who care and stop to ask questions...

MoparFest 2 days away :cheers::cheers: