rejuvinate vacuum hoses

Thanks 66Dvert,
I have been wondering what I did to warrant this level of hostilities.
I ask these questions, only because it has been well over 35 years since I have done my own work on my car. Plus the available documentation available to me does not have the information I need.
I appreciate your civility

your welcome, We all ask questions and I've done some really stupid ones and then later realized that I should have never posted the question (duh moment) since I already knew the answer if I had thought about it. but most users her are nice enough to not nail us(me) for it unless it gets silly.
then they just point out what I should have though of and just do the :roll: on me.
I think some of us (me included) older guys just get a little cranky at times and don't read the post as close as they should (again me included, since I've done it once or 20 or 40 times) and are off the med's a little.(some of mine are GOOOOOOOD,but that's when the stupid questions usually get asked:oops:) I try not to type a reply when I'm feeling bad. but...... sometime "you know what" happens and the fingers go to typin on their own. I've had to watch myself even more since I'm up in Michigan now for a couple a weeks more and the weather AIN'T liking me at all. Now I remember why I left this state for MUCH warmer climate. my bones HURT all day up here if it isn't hot enough, but family and friends need "seeing and meetin every once in a while". plus there is the Woodward Dream cruise that might have something to do with the trip :D that and me getting to finish up my friends 69 charger after 4 years of working on it.

AND(sarcasm mode ON) I hope it wasn't a really nice car he burnt up because he forgot that gas and flame don't mix. It must suck getting so old that you forget that :glasses7:

plus I really DO want to know if anyone repops that plug for the A/C