Guys at the shows and cruises are really rude

Oldmanmopar, key dudes car down to bare metal. Nice payback for the scratch and the push and telling you to F off. LOL.
I also was brought up to respect others property, regardless of how it looks. If it ain't yours, LEAVE IT ALONE!!! Plain and simple. As far as the owners talking, some see how I am. I take a camera with me, and I make sure to hold it so it won't swing down to hit the car when I look in the engine compartment. I try to make sure I'm no where close to touching the car. It's all about respect. As far as criticism, if it's done constructively, fine and dandy, but if it's rude and smart *** done, who would like it? I can't thing of anyone who would like it. Again, IT'S ABOUT RESPECT!