Fukushima Leaking 300 TON's A Day For Two Years

What would we use then? Coal? This current administration has demonized coal so badly they have almost ruined the coal industry.

im a big believer in solar, but not 1000 acre plots out in the middle of the desert... im talking a system that cont produce enough for that house, on every house...

should be be trying to ween off fossil fuels? of course! but will the go away entirely... no!

this is no different than New Orleans, the indians told the french NOT to build in that location as it was to low and close to the water, the french told them savages to take a hike. and look what happened... building a plant right near the ocean, or other hazards like fault lines (diablo canyon in central CA) is insane...

as for letting the plant go i dont think Chernobyl would hold a candle to that plant if it was just let go. Chernobyl was one reactor, with this plant there are multiple reactors (10 total) right next to each other.