Miss STP

I'm with Rani on this one.
I respect a modest woman who does not compromise her values.

Who said they were compromising their values by slipping on a bikini?

Your definition of modesty and values may be different than the woman in question. For instance, my cousin whom I used in the example above, would model bikini's but wouldn't do nudes. That was her definition of modesty. And her definition of not compromising her values, as she turned down a lot of money to pose nude.

The question was put out there that women who might pose for cheesecake pics are less valuable than women who won't, to which Rani said yes. I don't see a question of morality.

My question was simple: my former bikini model cousin is less valuable as an RN because she posed for modeling agencies? I'll ask this question, too: That makes her less valuable as an RN compared to other female RN's who haven't posed in bikini's?

So, that makes Danica Patrick or one of the Force girls less valuable as a racer simply because they have posed for cheesecake? I'm sure the men they are racing are thinking that when they are racing down the track. "Can't take this girl seriously because she's modeled."

Can't take Leanna seriously as a business woman either because of the cheesecake she's done. Somehow that makes her "less valuable" than other women in the powdercoating industry who's never shown some leg.