Miss STP

Hot Mopar Babes is full of every type of girl you can think of.

You have to think of it like a busy street, downtown. Some are pretty, some are ugly, some are stupid, some are smart. People are people.

Fat girls, skinny girls... Girls who climb on rocks.

I don't think this girl is disqualified, any more than I think you are, Rani. Beauty means a lot of things to different peeps.

I think my girl is pretty and she loves her car. Daily drives an old mopar.

Some girls, yeah, they model with anything. They could be flaunting a McDonald's sign if the photograph session paid. Some dumb don't give a damn, but I think we can ALL agree, that for us, KNOWING about these cars is an extremely attractive feature to us. I mean, that's why we take the time to talk to each other. We all have that in common.